Monday, August 27, 2012


hello my dear friends. its me again. 
since days I'm thinking about a topic i can write about. so i made a decision: flowers! aren't flowers the best to pimp a boring and ugly part of the house? you can get all kinds of colors, shapes and sizes. you'll  find cool styles, romantic styles, crazy styles, whatever you want. 
what i really love, and that may sound really weird, is the fact, that flowers are perishable. that means you have every week a chance of a new beginning. doesn't that sound lovely? wouldn't it be a dream if we would have that opportunity in other parts of our lives. 
imagine if we would be able to start new with difficult relationships. 
fights could be solved in loving ways, we would learn to really forgive, we would learn to really see the other person in its beauty and uniqueness and realize the priceless value of every single one. 
i think we should work on this attitude, like we work on the new beautiful flower bouquets in our houses. the world would look much better, don't you think?   
when i create an arrangement with flowers -and i hardly ever buy ready made flower bouquets- I'm sometimes so touched by its beauty that i have tears in my eyes. really. i know, i know. I'm a strange person. well. 
here are some pictures of this kind of decoration.
i hope you like it.
if you want to make your own arrangements, always use a clean vase and lukewarm water. remove all leaves that could touch the water. cut with a sharp knife the end of the flower stalk in length and put in the water immediately.  change the water every second day. this helps to keep the flowers fresh for up to one week.

The secret is the freshness of the flowers and the variety of possibilities to arrange them. its not necessary to buy always flowers in a shop. maybe you find some during a walk, or you have some in the garden (or in the neighbors garden, or, hm, just be careful;-)) also markets are sometimes a good source.
what makes a big difference is the container you use. try out unusual things, like cups, bowls, jam glasses etc. i found some very nice peaces at the flee market. some ribbon, rope or other materials may help to create a unique and very special look.

so have fun trying out some new decorations and things.

i hope you enjoy it.

see you soon.

please register at my blog as member and give your comment. i'd like to hear some feedback and thoughts. 
blessings, ute 

this is the shop in zittau where i buy most of my flowers.


  1. beautiful! I always tell Ryan to buy me potted plants instead of cut flowers because I get too sad when they die!

  2. my slogan "always happy and fashion like a flower"

  3. Wow Ute, this is beautiful. I love how you have connected two things that you care about so deeply that others wouldn't see : flowers to relationships. What wisdom! I also love how you used the word pimp. I had no idea that you knew that word! Now I know one other thing I can bless you with! ;-)
